2025 Call for Entries Starts April 1

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Sample Entry Form

This year we have changed the entry form so that you can see all of the information required to enter at one time.  All sites must be entered using the online version of this form and entry fees paid before an entry is complete. Once entered, you will receive a confirmation email containing the information provided on this form and a link to edit if necessary. See the guidelines page for complete competition rules.

This is a sample of the entry form only -- do not enter your site here.  Click here to create or login to your nominator account.

general site info

The following fields are required for entry:

Title of Entry


Site URL http://
(Please enter only the URL, any additional text will result in an error)



Judges will judge sites in English if available



judging categories

Sites are first judged against the other sites in its industry category and the site scoring the most points in the category will be awarded a Best of Industry WebAward. Remaining sites will then be compared against an overall standard of excellence for Outstanding Web Site and Standard of Excellence WebAwards. Websites entered into more than one category can win multiple awards, however separate entry fees are due for each category entered.

Please select the categories you wish your entry to compete in.  The entry fee per category for the 2025 WebAward Competition is $250 (other than the Non-Profit category, which is $195).
Back-up contact

Please provide an alternative contact for this entry at your company.



if you win an award, who would you like recognized on the award and in the winners database? (Most entries will use the company or client name)

Most entries recognize the nominating company or the client for the award. See the winners database for examples. If left blank, the name of the Nominator Organization will be recognized. This information will be printed on the Statue or Certificate if the site wins an award.

Please note: Please do not enter the name of the entry. This will result in the name being repeated on any award won.


please provide names of people who helped develop the site

Please provide the names of people who you would like recognized for this entry. You may also include their title and role if you wish.  These will be displayed on the personal winners page if the entry wins a WebAward.

Please Note: You are limited to the space available; more than one name can be added to the name field.



in fewer than 200 words, please describe the site's mission and business purpose.

In fewer than 200 words, please describe the site's audience and purpose.  This is used to help the judges get a better understanding of who the site is targeted to and what it is attempting to accomplish. This will help set the standard to which your entry will be judged. Brevity is appreciated.

if the site is password-protected, please provide a demo account name and password

If password protected, account must be active from June 15, 2025 to August 15, 2025 for judging. Sites that cannot be accessed will not be judged.


Technical requirements to view entry: Please list minimum browser and plug-in requirements for viewing site (i.e. Requires IE 5.x or greater, Flash 3.0 or greater, etc.). If none then leave blank.

:: For Reporting purposes only

Please answer the following demographic questions. The answers will not be seen by the judges and only be aggregated for reporting purposes.


Who is primarily the target audience of this site?


Type of system this site primarily designed on:


Type of system this site’s programming was primarily developed on:


How was this site primarily developed?

What features does your site offer or plan to offer?
Feature Currently offers Plans to Offer No plans to offer
Email mailing list

RSS feeds
Live Chat
Streaming Video
Banner Advertising
Shopping Cart
Multiple languages

What is the approximant annual development budget for this site?



WebAward Sponsors

Special thanks to these great sponsors

  • iContact
  • PR.com
  • IRCE