The WMA is proud to present this
2013 WebAward for Outstanding Achievement
in Web Development
Winning Entry:
Winner Name: Palm Beach County
Award: Outstanding Website
Mission Statement: To plan, coordinate and communicate information of County services and programs to the public through print, video and digital materials. Public Affairs is responsible for planning and managing the Department's programs including Digital Marketing and Communications, Media and Public Information, Graphics, Educational and Government Television (Channel 20), and for developing and maintaining a strong positive relationship between County government and the media. The department also administers and monitors Palm Beach County Government's web presence. The Public Affairs Department is charged by the County's Comprehensive Emergency Plan to implement a plan for pre-disaster preparedness for the general public, and for the release of emergency public information to the media and general public prior to, during and in the recovery phase of disasters impacting Palm Beach County. The department also coordinates a county-wide Speakers Bureau, providing free speakers on County services, programs and issues to organizations in Palm Beach County. The Information Systems Services (ISS) Department serves as the primary information technology support agency for most of the departments reporting to the Board of County Commissioners, as well as some of the constitutional officers in Palm Beach County. Our primary focus in all that we do is customer service. With the increasing reliance on Internet access to County information, services, and systems, our customer base has expanded to include not only County employees, business partners, taxpayers and citizens, but also the public at large.