About the Agency

Watkins & Associates is a small, women-owned business, and owner of SMBmarketer.com, a new website specializing in smart marketing basics for small to medium businesses. Founded by Sue Watkins, a 20+ year technology marketing executive, SMBmarketer.com provides a gap in the marketplace for small business owners who want to start marketing their companies, but don't know how to get started. Most marketing websites today are geared for professional marketers and active practioners. Getting started marketing your small business can be overwhelming, confusing and costly. Creating the right message can also be challenging for "non-marketing" professionals. SMBmarketer.com provides easy to use templates and advice to help small businesses overcome these obstacles. Our mission is to help these companies have some initial success, proving the value of marketing to their business.

The Team

  • Founder, Owner, SMBmarketer.com: Sue Watkins
  • CEO and Partner, Verite Inc.: Kim Jones
  • Partner, Director of Technology, Verite Inc.: Alan Walker
  • Lead Production Manager, Verite Inc.: Beth Pignataro
  • Programmer, Verite Inc.: Jared Anderton
  • Production Team, Verite, Inc.: Alisa Morgan

Watkins & Associates
