The Web Marketing Association is expecting a record number of participants in its 17th annual international WebAward competition, the standards-defining award program that sets industry benchmarks based on the seven criteria of a successful Web site. They are looking for experienced Internet professionals who can help judge the Websites that are entered. Interested individuals can submit their names for consideration using the WebAward Judges Nomination Form.
Judges will consist of a select group of Internet professionals who have direct experience designing and managing Web sites,–including members of the media, interactive creative directors, site designers, content providers and webmasters – with an in-depth understanding of the current state-of-the-art in Web site development and technology. Past judges have included top executives from leading organizations such as A&E Television Networks, Agency.com, Blattner Brunner, Bridge Worldwide, The Cincinnati Enquirer, Comedy Central, Disney, Euro RSCG, Ion Global, J. Walter Thompson, John Deere Company, New York Post Interactive, Organic, Inc., Refinery, R/GA, Saatchi
& Saatchi, SAP, Starwood Hotels
, Sun Microsystems, Warner Bros. Online, Xerox and Zugara.
If you or someone some one in your organization would make a good judge, they can learn more and enter their name for consideration on the WebAwardJudges Nomination Form.