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One Month to Go Until WebAward Deadline

If you are planning to enter your Web sites into the 2006
WebAward Competition
, you better get moving – There is less than one month to
go until the deadline for entries.

The WebAwards is the standards-defining competition that
sets industry benchmarks based on the seven criteria of a successful Web
site. It recognizes the individual and team achievements of Web professionals who create and maintain outstanding Web sites. The deadline for entry in the
2006 WebAwards is May 31, 2006. A complete list of
past winners and this year’s entry form can be found at

So if you have the best Web site in your industry and want
to prove it, be sure to get your entry submitted by the deadline. Entries
submitted after the deadline, but before the judging begins will be subject to
a $50 late fee.

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ad:tech San Francisco a success!

The Web Marketing Association participated in the 2006
ad:tech conference in San Francisco.
Bill Rice, President of the Web Marketing Association was on hand to meet with
attendees as well as judges and past participants who were at the conference. Also in attendance were WebAwards sponsors PR Web, SimpleFeed
and Web Sites Services Magazine.


There was a lot of interest in the 2006 WebAwards and for
the Internet Standards Assessment Report and links to each where provided to
everyone who had their name tag scanned at the WMA Booth.

Congratulations to David Mullings of Random Media who was selected to win a video iPod for stopping by our booth.

Many thanks to Jeff Valentine, Kristin Widergren and the
rest of the ad:tech staff for putting together a great well-run conference and with
lots of interesting exhibitors to meet.

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WebMaster World Boston Drawing

WebmasterWorld’s PubCon is an educational conference and industry trade show programmed specifically for web
professionals and website site owners to be held April 18-20, 2006 at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston.

The Web Marketing Association is giving away a full conference pass for this show. To enter, send your name and contact info to by Thursday, April 13th at 5:00 EDT. We’ll contact the winner then.

The keynote for the conference is Mr. Malcolm Gladwell, the super star author of The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make A Big Difference and Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking.
Malcolm will also do a special book signing after his talk!

For more information go to A limited number of
participants can receive 25% off the full conference rate by entering code
"wm-80625" when registering.

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Web Site Award Competition Heats Up as Industry Award Season Begins

Awards season is underway and our society is hooked on awards that recognize who is best in their field. The entertainment industry has the Academy Awards, the Golden Globes and the Emmys. The auto world has MotorTrend Car of the Year, manufacturing has the Malcolm Baldridge Award and journalists have the Pulitzer Prize, just to name a few.

The online marketing community also has its way to recognize top performers. The Webby Awards like to call themselves the Oscars of the Internet while the Web Marketing Association’s WebAwards are likened to the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. Major advertising festivals like the Clio Awards and Cannes Lion also now include interactive categories. What these awards all have in common is the desire to recognize great Web sites. It’s how the “Best Web site” winners are chosen that make the award programs different.

“The WebAwards have been so successful for the past 10 years because of our clearly defined judging process and our focus on setting industry specific standards for Web development,” said William Rice, President of the WMA. “To us, winning a Web site award is not only a great marketing opportunity, but a chance to receive quality feedback from industry professionals that help improve the overall Web experience.”

Before entering an award competition, the Web Marketing Association offers the following tips on what to look for in a quality Web site award program:

  • Feedback – Entries should receive valuable feedback from the judges through specific commentary, advice for improvement, and quantitative scoring that can be evaluated against an industry average.
  • Clear judging criteria and process – In order to make sure each entry has an equal chance to win an award, the judging process should be comprehensive, so that judges see all of Web sites entered and not just a few finalists.
  • Longevity – The awards program should have a substantial history of Web site evaluation and a roster of winners in each category that have experienced a clear value from the program.
  • Focus – The awards program should be solely focused on the evaluation of Web sites so interactive winners are not overshadowed by winners in print or broadcast as in some well respected advertising award programs.
  • Quality of judges – Award judges should be industry professionals with a solid understanding of Web site production and Internet marketing objectives, not a simply a celebrity that brings a name but little Web development experience.

“WebAward participants know that each entry will be submitted to the judges, not just a few handpicked, big-name finalists. They’re also aware of the criteria on which they will be judged, and will receive their overall scores – compared to both their industry and the overall standard of excellence,” notes Rice. “The WMA’s WebAward competition is the only major award program to provide an in-depth, quantitative analysis of results that help entrants develop standards of excellence for future innovation.”

Internet awards season is now officially underway, and the WMA is currently accepting entries for its 10th annual international WebAward competition. The deadline for entry is May 31st and entries can be submitted at

About the Internet Standards Assessment Report

Recently the Web Marketing Association released a study based on nearly ten thousand Web site evaluations in more than eighty industries since 1997. The Internet Standards Assessment Report (ISAR) is the results of nearly a decade of independent evaluations of Web site development based on seven criteria critical to a successful Web site: design, innovation, content, technology, interactivity, copywriting and ease of use.

To receive a copy of The Internet Standards Assessment Report or to learn more about the Web Marketing Association’s WebAward program please visit:

About the WebAwards

The 10th annual international WebAwards competition sets the standard of excellence in 96 industry categories by evaluating Web sites and defining benchmarks based on the seven essential criteria of successful Web site development. The goal of the Web Marketing Association, sponsor of the WebAwards, is to provide a forum to recognize the people and organizations responsible for developing some of the most effective Web sites on the Internet today. Entrants benefit from a Web site assessment by a professional judging panel and the marketing opportunities presented to an award-winning Web site.

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Web Site Award Competition Heats Up as Industry Award Season Begins

Awards season is underway and our society
is hooked on awards that recognize who is best in their field.  The
entertainment industry has the Academy Awards, the Golden Globes and the Emmys.
The auto world has MotorTrend Car of the
Year, manufacturing has the Malcolm Baldridge Award and journalists have the
Pulitzer Prize, just to name a few.

The online marketing
community also has its way to recognize top performers. The Webby Awards
like to call themselves the Oscars of the Internet while the Web Marketing
Association’s WebAwards
  are likened to the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.
Major advertising festivals like the Clio Awards and
Cannes Lion also now include interactive categories. What
these awards all have in common is the desire to recognize great Web sites.
It’s how the "Best Web site" winners are chosen that make the award programs different.

“The WebAwards have been so successful for the past 10 years
because of our clearly defined judging process and our focus on setting
industry specific standards for Web development,” said William Rice, President
of the WMA. “To us, winning a Web site award is not only a great marketing
opportunity, but a chance to receive quality feedback from industry
professionals that help improve the overall Web experience.” 

Before entering an award competition, the Web Marketing
Association offers the following tips on what to look for in a quality Web site
award program: 

  • Feedback – Entries should receive valuable feedback from the judges through specific commentary, advice for improvement, and quantitative scoring that can be evaluated against an industry average.
  • Clear judging criteria and process – In order to make sure each entry has an equal chance to win an award, the judging process should be comprehensive, so that judges see all of Web sites entered and not just a few finalists.
  • Longevity – The awards program should have a substantial history of Web site evaluation and a roster of winners in each category that have experienced a clear value from the program.
  • Focus – The awards program should be solely focused on the evaluation of Web sites so interactive winners are not overshadowed by winners in print or broadcast as in some well respected advertising award programs.

  • Quality of judges – Award judges should be industry professionals with a solid understanding of Web site production and Internet marketing objectives, not a simply a celebrity that brings a name but little Web development experience.

“WebAward participants know that each entry will be submitted to the judges, not just a few handpicked, big-name finalists. They’re also aware of the criteria on which
they will be judged, and will receive their overall scores – compared to both
their industry and the overall standard of excellence,” notes Rice. “The WMA’s WebAward competition is the only major award program to provide an in-depth,
quantitative analysis of results that help entrants develop standards of
excellence for future innovation

Internet awards season is now officially underway, and the
WMA is currently accepting entries for its 10th annual international
WebAward competition. The deadline for entry is May 31st and entries
can be submitted at

About the Internet Standards Assessment Report

Recently the Web Marketing Association released a study
based on nearly ten thousand Web site evaluations in more than eighty
industries since 1997. The Internet Standards Assessment Report
(ISAR) is the results of nearly a decade of independent evaluations of Web site
development based on seven criteria critical to a successful Web site: design,
innovation, content, technology, interactivity, copywriting and ease of use.

To receive a copy of The Internet
Standards Assessment Report
or to learn more about the Web Marketing
Association’s WebAward program please visit:

About the

The 10th annual international WebAwards
sets the standard of excellence in 96 industry categories by
evaluating Web sites and defining benchmarks based on the seven essential
criteria of successful Web site development. The goal of the Web Marketing Association, sponsor of the WebAwards, is
to provide a forum to recognize the people and organizations responsible for
developing some of the most effective Web sites on the Internet today. Entrants benefit from a Web site assessment
by a professional judging panel and the marketing opportunities presented to an
award-winning Web site.



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Media coverage of ISAR Study

The Web Marketing Association’s Internet Standards Asessment Report continues to draw the intererst of the media.

Here are a few examples of recent media coverage of the report:

Yahoo News:Education Web Sites Benchmarked in New Internet Study

WebProNewsKing Content Takes Queen Interactivity

Web Site Services MagazineISAR Report

Independent Agent Magazine
Insurance Industry Lacks Dynamic Web

Insurance Journal Insurance Web Sites Benchmarked in New Study

The Bivings Report What Industries Have the Best/Worst Websites?

LexBlogLaw firm websites below average : Internet Standards Assessment Report

WebProNewsGaming Sites, Great; PR Sites, No

About the Internet Standards Assessment Report

Recently the Web Marketing Association released a study
based on nearly ten thousand Web site evaluations in more than eighty
industries since 1997. The Internet Standards Assessment Report
(ISAR) is the results of nearly a decade of independent evaluations of Web site
development based on seven criteria critical to a successful Web site: design,
innovation, content, technology, interactivity, copywriting and ease of use from the annual WebAward Competition for Web site development.

To receive a copy of The Internet
Standards Assessment Report
or to learn more about the Web Marketing
Association’s WebAward program please visit:

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at:tech discount offer

ad:tech San

April 26 -28, 2006

Moscone Center North

The Web Marketing Association is pleased to announce our presence at ad:tech San Francisco, the #1 event for interactive marketing. As an exhibitor at ad:tech, we would like to extend our preferred pricing along to you a super-saver discount of 20% off the current conference price.

Register or obtain more information about ad:tech San Francisco  at

To lock in your 20% discount, register with Promotion Code: ATSFEG.

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Web Marketing Association Announcing Winners of the 2006 Internet Advertising Competition Awards

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – The Web Marketing Association announces the winners of its annual Internet Advertising Competition (IAC) Awards, an effort to honor excellence in online advertising and to recognize the individuals and organizations responsible for the best in Internet marketing. The IAC Awards are the first and only industry-based advertising award competition dedicated exclusively to online advertising. The Competition web site with a complete list of winners is located at

"Online advertising is finally getting the recognition it deserves and The Web Marketing Association is pleased to help set the standard for Internet excellence," said William Rice, president of the Web Marketing Association, Inc.  "Spending for online advertising continues to grow rapidly and the IAC Awards highlight the best in this unique advertising medium by industry."

2006 Best of Show Awards were awarded in each of the online medium categories.  This year’s winners include:

Disney Online for Kellogg’s Fruit Streamers Mini-site (Best Ads the Client Did Not Pick)

Kel Geddes Management Ltd for The Official Anne Geddes Website Email (Best of Show Email Message)

ThinData Inc. for Building a Better Member Email (Best of Show Email Message Campaign)

OER_Satama for Scream mail (Best of Show Integrated ad campaign)

Aristotle for Keowee Falls Interactive Tour (Best of Show Integrated ad campaign)

Beyond Interactive for 3M Breast Cancer Awareness (Best of Show Microsite/Landing Page)

Cheil Communications America for Cocktail Shaker (Best of Show Online ad)

Foote Cone & Belding for Above The Influence (Best of Show Online Campaign)

Scudder Investments for Scudder Participant e-Newsletter (Best of Show Online Newsletter Campaign)

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts for Block Party Bash (Best of Show Rich Media Online Ad)

Geary Interactive for 24 Sweepstakes (Best of Show Rich Media Online Campaign)

For the second year in a row, TMX Communications of Conshohocken, PA was recognized with the 2006 Top Agency Award, winning 13 IAC Awards. Their awards included 12 Best of Industry awards and an Outstanding award. Last year, TMX Communications shared the Top Agency Award with Organic, Inc.

Other IAC Award winners who received multiple awards included:

AGENCY (number of awards)
TMX Communications (13) (10)

Beyond Interactive (9)

Bridge Worldwide (9)

Organic, Inc. (9)

McKinney (8)

Cheil Communications America (7)

TM Interactive (7)

Marketel (6)

America Online, Inc (5)

Biggs-Gilmore (5)

Creative Direct Marketing Group (5)

Armchair Media (4)

bbdigital (Blattner Brunner) (4)

Disney Online (4)

Kel Geddes Management Ltd (4)

Mullen (4)

Ogilvy Worldwide (4)

Sharpe Partners (4)

Smashing Ideas (4)

The Barbarian Group (4)

THINK, Inc. (4)

VML (4)

The Competition web site with a complete list of winners is located at

The 2006 Internet Advertising Competition is sponsored by, BURST! Media, Small Army, AdTools, ExactTarget, OddCast, Line56 Media, and PRWeb.

About the Web Marketing Association

The Web Marketing Association is an organization working to create a high standard of excellence for Web site development and marketing on the Internet. Staffed by volunteers, it is made up of Internet marketing, advertising, PR and design professionals who share an interest in improving the quality of advertising, marketing and promotion used to attract visitors to Web sites. Since 1997, the Web Marketing Associations annual WebAward Competition has been helping interactive professionals promote themselves, their companies, and their best work to the outside world. Now in its ninth year, the WebAward Competitions have become the premier event for Web developers and marketers worldwide.


The Web Marketing Association is currently accepting entries for the ninth annual WebAward Competition for Web site development at .  Deadline for entry is May 31st.