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Media Coverage of the 2007 WebAward Call for Entry

The Web marketing Association would also like to thank the media who have helped promote our WebAward Call for Entry by publishing articles in print or on line. Here are some of the recent trade media coverage:

Yahoo News – Best Shopping Website Trends Detailed in New Report from the Web Marketing Association

UKBusiness – E-Commerce Business Website Trends, Released by Web Marketing Association

AdWeek – Site Development Lags Expectations

Create Magazine – WebAwards to Honor World’s Best Websites

1to1 Magazine – Is Web Innovation Dead?

Domains Magazine – Web Hosting Design, Featured in Web Marketing Association Trends Report

All CU News – Best Bank & Credit Union Websites Detailed in ISAR

Small Business Informer – Best Small Business Web Site of 2007 to be named by Web Marketing Association in Annual WebAward competition

ebusiness News – Online Retailers follow Airlines in Best Web Sites, New Study Says

Internet Marketing NewsWatch – WMA Releases ‘Internet Standards Assessment Report

Bulldog Reporter – Web Standards Report Shows Overall Decline in Standards of Development

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WebAwards at ad:tech

The Web Marketing Association will be on hand at ad:tech San Francisco, April 25&26 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco to promote the 2007 WebAward Call for Entries.

ad:tech is an interactive advertising and technology conference dedicated to connecting all sides of today’s brand marketing landscape. Worldwide shows blend keynote speakers, topic driven panels and interactive workshops to provide attendees with the tools and techniques they need to compete in a changing world.

The Web Marketing Assocaition is a big fan of both the ad:tech conference and the ad:tech Award program. They do a great job of identifying current trends and recognizing best of class advertising.

Bill Rice, President of the Web Marketing Assocaition, will be manning booth 5007 in the exhibit hall. Stop by and say hello between the great sessions.

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Bloggers Support WebAwards Call for Entries

The Web Marketing Association woud like to thank the many bloggers who have written about the launch of the 2007 WebAwards Call for Entries. If you are a blogger and would like to help support the WebAwards, please take a look at our Call for Entry blog post and write about this important award program on your blog.

Here are a few of the posts:

AdRants – CN Does OJ, Quiznos Spoofed, Burn Back Updates, Salma’s Boobs Sell

The MadAve Journal – Hi ad:tech I’m Sam Negin

Freelance UK – Web gurus: your opinions please – William Rice, President of the Web Marketing Association (Search Engine Strategies Coverage)

KKs Blog – March 31 Deadline for Web Marketing Association Contest

Ms. Latina Renee Enterprise, LLC – Call for WebAward Entries

Daryl’s Journey of Discovery – WebAwards To Gain Recognition

Consultant Directory Blog – Web Marketing Association Report On Legal Web Sites – WebAward Competition

Ecommerce, Web Traffic & Internet Marketing News – Best Family Web site of 2007 to be Named by Web Marketing Association in Annual WebAward Competition

BLOPTIMIZATION Blog – Web Marketing Association Report On Legal Web Sites

Web Site Host Directory – Website Application Services Trends, Detailed in Web Marketing Report

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Internet Retailer 2007 Conference & Exhibition

Internet Retailer 2007 Conference & Exhibition
June 4-7
San Jose Convention Center, San Jose CA

the Internet Retailer 2007 Conference & Exhibition, America’s largest e-retailing conference. The IRCE 2007 Show, which will be held at the San Jose Convention Center June 4-7, is the premier event in e-retailing, which this year features 103 expert speakers representing all types and sizes of merchants (store chains, catalogers, web-only retailers and branded manufacturers) and addressing all vital issues affecting online retailers today.

Enter the Discount Code: AC7123 to receive $100 off off the lowest current conference registration fee.

The Web Marketing Association and the WebAwards sponsor and support this conference.

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Interactive Agency Crossword Challange

Sometimes you just need to have some fun.

Did you know that 47 of AdWeek’s top 50 Interactive agencies participate in the annual WebAwards program. Many of them, but not all, make up the solutions to an interactive crossword puzzle we’ve created. See how well you know your top interactive agencies by trying out our Interactive Agency Crossword Challange. Some clues are easy, some more difficult. Have some fun, we did in creating it!

If you need some help, download AdWeek’s Top Interactive Agency List (PDF)

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We Need Your Help

The Web Marketing Association is a volunteer organization that each year produces the WebAward program. We need your help in spreading the news about our call for entry to other Internet Professionals. Our greatest marketing asset is you our newsletter readers.

You can help by:

Emailing other professionals or site owners and ask them to participate in the WebAwards

Blog about the WebAwards. Either on your blog or industry blogs, write about our call for entry or your experiences with the WebAwards. The trackback link to our call for entry blog posting is

Tell others within your organization. It is difficult to maintain contact with past participants via email. People change responsibilities, email addresses change and companies get merged. Make sure the correct people within your organization, including offices in other cities know about the WebAwards. The more awards your organization wins, the more recognition you will receive.

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Internet Professionals Needed to Judge World’s Best Web Sites

The Web Marketing Association announces the call for judges for its 11th annual international WebAward competition. The WebAwards is the standards-defining competition that sets industry benchmarks based on the seven criteria of a successful Web site. Judges will consist of a select group of Internet professionals who have direct experience designing and managing Web sites, including members of the media, interactive creative directors, site designers, content providers and webmasters – with an in-depth understanding of the current state-of-the-art in Web site development and technology.

To nominate yourself or another Internet Professional, please use our Judges Nomination Form.

“The WebAwards is different from other Web site award programs because we’re not just a beauty pageant focused on name recognition and design,” said William Rice, president of the Web Marketing Association. “For 11 years, industry professionals have provided the backbone of our award program and helped thousands of Web sites get the recognition they deserve. As a WebAward judge, you are helping to set the standard of excellence for all web site development. Judging challenges you by having you visit and review web sites that you normally would not visit. Being a judge helps develop a critical eye to the many facets of leading-edge web development.”

Web sites are judged on seven criteria, including design, innovation, content, technology, interactivity, copy writing and ease of use and receive a numeric score. Each WebAward entry is judged against other entries in its industry category and then against an overall standard of excellence. Entrants also benefit from receiving valuable feedback from the WebAwards professional judging panel on their Web site development efforts.

Judging for the 2007 WebAwards will take place in June through August, with winners announced in September. Past judges have included top executives from leading organizations such as Ogilvy Interactive, Saatchi & Saatchi, Blattner Brunner, Comedy Central, Sun Microsystems, Refinery, Euro RSCG, EPB Interactive, New York Post Interactive, The Cincinnati Enquirer, J. Walter Thompson, Xerox, Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Modem Media, and Answerthink.

2007 Call For Entry Still Underway

The Web Marketing Association is now accepting entries for the 11th annual WebAward competition. The WebAwards evaluate Web sites in 96 industries and defines benchmarks based on the seven essential criteria of successful Website development. The deadline for entry is May 31, 2007.

Your Web site will be judged on seven criteria: design, innovation, content, technology, interactivity, copy writing and ease of use. Each WebAward entry is judged against other entries in its industry category and then against an overall standard of excellence. WebAward Judges consist of a select group of Internet professionals with an in-depth understanding of the current state-of-the-art in Website development and technology.

All entrants receive valuable feedback from the judging panel as well as a report detailing their performance compared to their industry average. If you win a WebAward, you also have an outstanding marketing opportunity to publicize and drive traffic to your site.

A complete list of past winners and this year’s entry form can be found at

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Search Engine Strategies New York Starts Today

Search Engine Strategies New York is a 4 day, multi-track conference that specifically addresses search engine advertising (SEM/SEO) that starts today at the Hilton New York. This event features presentations and panel discussions from industry experts including representatives from the search engines themselves; interactive and in-depth sessions & workshops; and an exclusive look at the latest search trends & developments. This is the 8th annual conference and remains the only event dedicated to search and its place within the corporate marketing mix.

Come a visit the Web Marketing Association in the exhibit hall at booth 120.

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Stuff given out by the WMA

We would like to congratulate the following people for receiving free stuff from the Web Marketing Association and the WebAward program:

Stephen Kennedy of received a full conference pass to ad:tech SF for completing our survey from the last issue of Interactive Briefing.

Tisha Rogers of Worldwide Brands, Inc received a $100 AMEX Gift Card for stopping by our booth at eComXpo.

Jim Stone, Director, Marketing at Seenon received a video iPod for stopping by our booth at the Hollywood OMMA conference.

Stop by our booth at SES NY, ad:tech or Internet World UK for a chance to receive a 30gb Video iPod.