The results of the 2007 WebAwards are now available to the entry’s nominators. Particpants can log in to their nominator accounts to see the results for their entries.
The winners of the 2007 WebAwards will be announced publicly on September 18th.
The results of the 2007 WebAwards are now available to the entry’s nominators. Particpants can log in to their nominator accounts to see the results for their entries.
The winners of the 2007 WebAwards will be announced publicly on September 18th.
Our ISP changed servers over the long weekend and we were not informed until the site went down. The site is now back on line and we apologize if you were not able to access the site.
2007 winners will be posted to the site on September 18th.
We are in the final stages of the judging process and winners of the 2007 Web Marketing Association WebAwards will be notified September 11th and public announcement of the winners will be announced on September 18th.
At the recent Search Engine Strategies conference in Toronto Canada, Sage Lewis from Web Marketing Watch interviewed William Rice, President of the Web Marketing Association about the 2007 WebAwards.
Here is the video clip of the interview.
The Call for Entries for the Web Marketing Association’s 2007 WebAward competition for Web site development is now officially closed and judging will being on Monday.
Good luck to all who entered and winners will be announced in Mid-September.
I guess the title says it all.
If you have entered the WebAwards this year, please check your nominator account before Friday to see if your entry fees have been paid and all of your edits are complete. After Friday, the sites are off to the judges and editing will be turned off.
If you did not enter yet, what are you waiting for? You only have a few more days submit your web site to be recognized and earn itself a great marketing opportunity (it won’t hurt your reputation either!). To create a nominator account and enter for the first time, go to our new account form.
William Rice, President of the Web Marketing Association was asked to contribute an article to iMedia Connection,
His article Web Awards: More Than Just Fame and Glory appeared the June 13th issue. It discussed how web site awards, like the WebAwards, are newsworthy events that can parlay into website recognition as well as outstanding marketing opportunities.
Today the Web Marketing Association is exhibiting at the Search Engine Strategies Conference in Toronto Canada. There are a lot of Canadian Internet professionals here to keep up with the latest developments in SEO and PPC to help their marketing efforts.
Unfortunately, a case of WebAward brochures went AWOL while crossing the boarder. Other than that, it’s a great conference. The WMA booth is right next door to N49, a new Canadian business search engine and online community at They seem to be drawing the biggest crowds by giving away tee shirts customized with your personal URL on their site.
I was also video taped for The Daily Web Marketing Show on Web Marketing Watch for a video posting that should be live tomorrow. If I find it, I will pass it along.
Search Engine Strategies, Toronto
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto, Canada
The Web Marketing Association has extended the deadline for entering its 11th annual WebAward Competition until June 15th to allow final entries to be submitted and existing entries to be edited if needed. This will be the only extension as judging begins June 18th.
The WebAwards are the premier internet award competition that judges website development against an ever increasing Internet standard of excellence and against peer sites within an industry. Each WebAward entry is judged against other entries in its industry category and then against an overall standard of excellence. Web sites are judged on design, innovation, content, technology, interactivity, navigation and ease of use.
A Best of Industry WebAward, a handsome plaque with the image of the winning site embossed, will be given in each of the 96 industry categories, including financial services, health care, small business, travel, marketing, photography, education and government.
The competition’s highest honor, the 2007 WebAward Best of Show, will be given to the one site that the judges believe represents the pinnacle of outstanding achievement in Web development. Last year’s Best of Show winner was Big Spaceship for their outstanding work on TBS: Department of Humor Analysis.
The Web Marketing Association will also recognize the interactive agency winning the most awards in the competition with the Top Interactive Agency WebAward. The 2006 Top Agency award was presented R/GA, which also was recognized for winning more WebAwards in the past decade than any other organization.
To learn more about the 2007 WebAwards, visit
Ten reasons why you should enter your website into the 2007 WebAwards
10) If you wait until after the May 31st deadline (next week), you’ll have to pay a late fee.
9) Your mom would be proud of you.
8) You will receive important benchmark data for your entire industry and where your site ranks in each of the seven judging criteria.
7) Think of the PR opportunities – industry publications, blogs, websites, by-lined articles, podcasts, press releases, interviews – the sky is the limit.
6) A best of industry plaque containing your award winning site will look great in your office.
5) The WebAward logo on your site is like receiving the “Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval” for Web development.
4) Your clients and customers will be impressed at your industry recognition and so will your potential clients.
3) A link to will help your site’s search engine rankings because you will be linked to an 11-year old .org authoritative site with a high Google PageRank.
2) A Best of Industry award means you’re the best and you can prove it!
1) If you don’t win, we won’t tell anyone – and you still get the feedback.
Recognition and feedback, that is what you will receive when you enter the 2007 WebAward Competition for Website development. Winning accolades in the 2007 WebAwards – the Internet’s premier award recognition program, is a great way to stand out from others in your industry. You will also receive valuable feedback from our judges and benchmarks for your industry. But you won’t get anything if you don’t enter!
The 11th Annual WebAward competition deadline for entry is May 31st, only on week away, and you can submit your site for review at Avoid a late fee by completing your Web site entries before the deadline.
Even the most amazing sites are all but invisible without the proper recognition. Enter the 2007 WebAwards and receive the recognition you deserve!