Due to an problem at our ISP Web.com, the database that drives our WebAward and IAC Award websites is currently down. We are working with Web.com to get the site up and running as soon as possible.
Articles from November Interactive Briefing
Power of Two – IQ Interactive shows us that UPS Whiteboard is a great example of how the combination of the web and traditional advertising is dramatically more powerful and effective than traditional alone
Outstanding Drive – THINK, Inc. drives the Windstream Truck Tour microsite to win the Outstanding Website award at the 2007 WebAwards.
Best Online Newsletter of 2008 to Be Named by Web Marketing Association
The Web Marketing Association judges will select the best online newsletters of 2008 in 86 industries as part of their sixth annual Internet Advertising Competition (IAC) Awards. The IAC Awards are the first and only industry-based advertising award competition dedicated exclusively to online advertising. Companies or agencies wishing to nominate their work for consideration may do so at www.IACAward.org before the deadline of January 31, 2008.
“Online newsletters are a critical marketing tool for many companies trying to maintain an ongoing relationship with customers and prospects,” said William Rice, president of the Web Marketing Association. “Each Online newsletter will be judged on creativity, innovation, impact, design, copywriting, and use of the medium. The IAC Awards provides an opportunity to find out who is doing an outstanding job creating online newsletters. It’s also a great marketing opportunity for the winners to promote to senior management, customers and prospects”.
The 2008 Internet Advertising Competition Awards will accept entries from 86 industries, including airline, biotech, B2B, consumer goods, education, health care, financial services, professional services, technology and travel just to name a few. Entries judged to be outstanding will receive an IAC Award. The entry receiving the highest score in each industry will be recognized as the best online newsletter for that industry.
“We believe that winning an industry specific award is more valuable to the participant. It allows the participants to be judges against their peers, just like in the marketplace,” said Rice.
The 2007 Best of Show winner for Online Newsletter was Coldwell Banker Barbara Sue Seal Properties for CBSeal eNews. The newsletter was also recognized as the Best Real Estate Online Newsletter. Other Top Online Newsletters for 2007 included:
Snowbound Imaging News Best Computer: Software Online Newsletter submitted by Snowbound Software
The Diabetes Control for Life e-Newsletter Best Consumer Goods Online Newsletter submitted by Bridge Worldwide
frog Design Mind newsletter Best Design Online Newsletter submitted by frog design, inc.
The Intevation Report Best Email Online Newsletter submitted by EmailLabs Marketing Team
Horizons Newsletter Best Financial Services Online Newsletter and Best Investor Relations Newsletter submitted by DWS Scudder Retirement Services
Cafe Britt e-Newsletters Best Food Industry Online Newsletter submitted by Cafe Britt
Discover Rush Online Best Health Care Online Newsletter submitted by Marie Mahoney and Brian Pace, Internet Communications
DWS Scudder Retirement Matters Newsletter Best Investment Online Newsletter and Best Mutual Fund Newsletter submitted by DWS Scudder Retirement Services
Mohegan Sun Insider Newsletter Best Leisure Online Newsletter submitted by Mohegan Sun
DMN eTips Drip Online Newsletter Best Marketing Online Newsletter submitted by Direct Marketing Network
BigPond Movies -Downloads newsletter Best Movie Online Newsletter submitted by The White Agency
George Mark Children’s House Bulletin Best Non-Profit Online Newsletter submitted by Northridge Interactive
SIRIUS Music Weekly Best Radio Online Newsletter submitted by SIRIUS Satellite Radio / Modus Associates
BigPond Sport – V8 supercars newsletter Best Sports Online Newsletter submitted by The White Agency
Great Florida Getaways e-Magazines Best Travel Online Newsletter submitted by VISIT FLORIDA & Miles Media Group
The 2008 Internet Advertising Competition Awards are open to all organizations and individuals (advertising and interactive agencies, corporate marketing departments, etc.) involved in the process of developing Internet advertising. Entries may be submitted online at http://www.iacaward.org. The deadline for entry is January 31, 2008 and will be judged on creativity, innovation, impact, design, copywriting, and use of the medium.
In addition to online newsletters, Awards will be presented within each of the industry categories and advertising formats such as:
Online ad (including banner, pop-up or interstitial)
Online ad campaign
Rich media online ad
Rich Media ad campaign
Email message
Online newsletter campaign
Microsite/Landing page
Integrated ad campaign
Ads the client did not choose
Best of show award for each format will be selected from among the industry winners. Ads eligible for entry in the competition must have run during the period from January 1, 2007 through January 31, 2008 (except for the Ads the client did not choose format which do not have to have run.)
Judging for the IAC Awards will take place in February, 2008, and winners will be notified by e-mail one week prior to the general announcement of winners in March, 2008. Judges will consist of a select group of Internet advertising professionals with an in-depth understanding of the current state-of-the-art in Web advertising. Past competition judges have included top executives from leading corporations, institutions and media organizations such as Ogilvy Interactive, Blattner Brunner, Comedy Central, Sun Microsystems, National Cable & Telecom Association, Refinery, Euro RSCG, EPB Interactive, New York Post Interactive, The Cincinnati Enquirer, J. Walter Thompson, Xerox, Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Modem Media, and Answerthink.
The 2008 Internet Advertising Competition Awards are sponsored by the following leading organizations: BGT Partners, Burst Media, PRWeb, Misukanis & Odden, SimpleFeed, ExactTarget, ad:tech conferences, NewsUSA, eComXpo, MediaPost’s OMMA conference, TopRank Online Marketing, Creative Chocolate Printing Company, Search Engine Strategies, Webmaster Radio, Rovion, AllBusiness.com and eMarketer. The Web Marketing Association thanks all of its sponsors for helping to make this annual competition possible.
About the Web Marketing Association
The Web Marketing Association is an organization working to create a high standard of excellence for Web site development and marketing on the Internet. Staffed by volunteers, it is made up of Internet marketing, advertising, PR and design professionals who share an interest in improving the quality of advertising, marketing and promotion used to attract visitors to Web sites. Since 1997, the Web Marketing Association’s annual WebAward Competition has been helping interactive professionals promote themselves, their companies, and their best work to the outside world. Now in its 11th year, the WebAward Competition has become the premier industry-based site recognition program for online advertisers, Web developers and marketers worldwide.
2008 IAC Awards Call for Entries
The Web Marketing Association announces the launched of its sixth annual Internet Advertising Competition (IAC) Awards. The IAC Awards are the first and only industry-based advertising award competition dedicated exclusively to online advertising. The Competition Web site is located at www.iacaward.org and the deadline for entry is January 31, 2008
The Internet Advertising Competition Awards are open to all organizations and individuals (advertising and interactive agencies, corporate marketing departments, etc.) involved in the process of developing Internet advertising. Entries may be submitted online at www.iacaward.org. The deadline for entry is January 31, 2008 and will be judged on creativity, innovation, impact, design, copywriting, and use of the medium.
Awards will be presented within each of the industry categories and advertising formats such as:
online ad (including banner, pop-up or interstitial)
rich media online ad
email message
online newsletter campaign
microsite/landing page
integrated ad campaign
ads the client did not choose
Best of show award for each medium will be selected from among the industry winners. Ads eligible for entry in the competition must have run during the period from January 1, 2007 through January 31, 2008.
Judging for the IAC Awards will take place in February, 2007, and winners will be notified by e-mail one week prior to the general announcement of winners in March, 2008. Judges will consist of a select group of Internet advertising professionals with an in-depth understanding of the current state-of-the-art in Web advertising. Past competition judges have included top executives from leading corporations, institutions and media organizations such as Ogilvy Interactive, Saatchi & Saatchi, Blattner Brunner, Comedy Central, Sun Microsystems, National Cable & Telecom Association, Refinery, Euro RSCG, EPB Interactive, New York Post Interactive, The Cincinnati Enquirer, J. Walter Thompson, Xerox, Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Modem Media, and Answerthink.
2007 Results
2007 Best of Show Awards were awarded in each of the online medium categories. Last year’s winners include:
Fishbowl Marketing for Shamrock The Vote (Best Ads the Client Did Not Pick)
IQ Interactive for “Explorer” Video Newsletter (Best of Show Email Message)
blast! PR for NASCAR.com Revs Up Fans with Email Marketing (Best of Show Email Message Campaign)
TMX Communications for Find the Time Capsule Campaign (Best of Show Integrated ad campaign)
Hornall Anderson Design Works for My Family (Best of Show Interactive Application)
Wunderman Team Detroit for My Dream (Best of Show Microsite/Landing Page)
Idea Integration for Sony Noise Canceling Headphones (Best of Show Online ad)
Palm Communication for Oryctolagus cuniculus (Best of Show Online Campaign)
Coldwell Banker for Coldwell Banker Barbara Sue Seal eNews (Best of Show Online Newsletter Campaign)
Ayzenberg Group for Mobile Suite GUNDAM Crossfire rich media creative (Best of Show Rich Media Online Ad)
Profero for Mess With Your Mind (Best of Show Rich Media Online Campaign)
For the third year in a row, TMX Communications of Conshohocken, PA was recognized with the 2007 Top Agency Award, winning 15 IAC Awards. Their awards included 1 Best of show, 13 Best of Industry awards and two Outstanding awards.
For a complete list of past wiiners, please go to www.iacaward.org.
Are you going to be the next winner? Now is the time to find out. Enter your best online advertising into the 2008 IAC Awards and win the recognition you deserve! Enter today at www.iacaward.org.
2007 WebAward plaques, trophies and certificates
Due to a database error, we have send individuals who have ordered additional certificates awards with incorrect information. We have corrected this and new certificates are in production. This problem has also effected the trophy and image plaque orders as we have been double checking all of the information manually and this has slowed down the production process considerably.
All orders should be completed by the end of the month.
Content Week 2008
The Web Marketing Association is one of the sponsors of Content Week 2008 at the Westgate Hotel in San Diego, CA
Jan 28-Feb 1, 2008.
IQPC’s Content Week 2008 is your gateway to effective Content Management strategy. This unique event offers creative solutions and best practices in all areas of Content Management. Ensuring usability, flexibility, localization and globalization of content to meet bottom line business objectives is today the ultimate priority.
To learn more and register, go to www.iqpc.com/us/cw08
Search Engine Strategies – Chicago
Search Engine Strategies is a sponsor of the Web Marketing Association and their next conference will be at the Chicago Hilton December 3-7.
SES returns to Chicago for it’s ninth year bringing back your favorite sessions, with fresh content, in addition to many new and exciting ones. If you haven’t experienced an SES event this is the one to do it. This 5-day, multi-track event features presentations and panel discussions from industry experts including representatives from the search engines themselves; interactive and in-depth sessions & workshops; and an exclusive look at the latest search trends & developments for 2008.
Register by Friday, November 16 and save $150. Web Marketing Association members save a little more when they register with priority code *10WMA.* Learn more and register at the Search Engine Strategies Website
ad:tech New York
ad:tech conferences are a sponsor of the Web Marketing Association and we support their conferences and award program as being an outstanding way for Internet professionals to network and keep up to date.
The next conference is ad:tech New York on November 5-8 at the New York Hilton.
Are you engaged in conversations with your customers? Are you leveraging those results to learn more about your customers? Are you optimizing your message and delivery in order to drive brand preference? These topics, along with other brand-building methods and digital media technologies and platforms will be discussed at ad:tech New York. From the high level overview keynotes to the performance focused workshops to the technologies showcased on the show floor – it’s all here, under one roof. ad:tech… the business of modern marketing.
For more information and to register go to http://www.ad-tech.com/ny/
ClickZ Specifics: E-Mail Marketing
ClickZ Specifics: E-Mail Marketing
October 2 :: New York Hilton
Find out how to think more strategically before executing an e-mail campaign or launching an e-newsletter. Start with your business objective, define a compelling offer, and deliver a response-driven, relevant message. Take a look behind the Cs — CTRs, CPMs, CRMs — at the messaging itself. We’ll show you what works, and what doesn’t.
ClickZ Specifics: E-mail Marketing is an intensive, one-day event designed to educate, inspire, and instill confidence in anyone using e-mail to communicate with their customers and prospects. Visit: www.clickzevents.com/email/fall07
Sessions include:
B2B E-Mail Marketing
E-Mail Bootcamp
Beyond Direct: E-Mail Branding & Relationships To Build Business
ClickZ is a sponsor of the Web Marketing Association WebAwards
How not to attract attention to yourself
For weeks now, we have been receiving emails for the TurnPRon’s PR Summit Communication 2.0 – The Convergence of PR, Advertising, Media and the Consumer. The problem is we have never signed up to be on any of their lists and we are receiving their emails to addresses that are never used except on our website.
How can an organization claim to have the credibility to put on an online PR conference when they use spam to promote it? Excite Media Group, the conference sponsor should know better if they really understand the needs of online marketing professionals and the Web Marketing Association urges marketing professionals who care about unethical marketing practices find a more credible conference to attend.