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MarketingTech: Tailormade Conference

From mobile to digital, retail to e-tail, MarketingTech: Tailormade is a chance for marketers to pick and choose across 16 training clinics, so that the one-day event will provide a personalised hands-on, experiential ‘one-stop shop’, to gain updates on the latest developments and how to practically use these technologies to enhance customer engagement.

New technology: what’s out there?
What is a flash in the pan and what will shape the future?
How can it be practically applied to your business and how can you prove return?

Hear from 16 brand speakers including, Cadbury-Schweppes, Times Online, Disney and more… Learn more about: Mobile Marketing | Web 2.0, Blogs, Social Networking| Search | Digital’s Latest Developments | Irresistible Email Campaigns| Consumer Behaviour| Winning Websites| Innovative In-Store

MarketingTech: Tailormade
The Grange City Hotel, London
31 March 2008

*BOOK BEFORE 7 February & Save £50*

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Internet Advertising Awards Deadline Extended

Best Internet Advertising Awards

New_iac_logoThe Internet Advertising Competition (IAC) Awards call for entry deadline has been extended until February 15th. This will be the only deadline extension as the judging will begin on Feb. 18th. 

The IAC awards honor individuals and organizations across the globe for their contribution to online advertising excellence. Entries will be judged on creativity, innovation, impact, design, copywriting, and use of the medium.

If you’ve waited until the last minute to enter – that last minute is here! Enter the IAC Awards today!

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Internet Advertising Competition Awards Entry Deadline Today

Today, January 31st, is the deadline to enter the Web Marketing Association’s 2008 Internet Advertising Competition Awards. If you are like most people, you waited until the last minute to enter – well that last minute it here!

The IAC Awards are the first and only industry-based advertising award competition dedicated exclusively to online advertising. Awards will be presented within each of the 86 industry categories and advertising formats such as online ad (including banner, pop-up or interstitial), rich media online ad, email message, online newsletter campaign, microsite/landing page and integrated ad campaign and ads the client did not choose. Best of show award for each medium will be selected from among the industry winners. We will also present the Top Agency Award to the organization who wins the most awards in 2008.

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PhizzPop Design Challenge

Congratulations to the winnners of the regional PhizzPop Design Challenge competitions! These winners brought some serious smackdown in Round 1 and are chomping at the bit for the next design problem.

San Francisco – AKQA
New York – CreateThe Group
Chicago – Clarity Consulting
Austin – Thirteen23
Los Angeles – Cynergy Systems
Boston – Outsight Interactive

Microsoft revealed the design problem for the finale of the PhizzPop Design Challenge. Each team will be building an application to solve this problem over the next month in preparation for final delivery on March 10th at SXSW interactive conference in Austin, Texas.

The design problem, called “Citizenship in the 21st Century,” is a challenge to create an engagement spanning multiple platforms including Mobile, Web, Desktop, Media Center, Portable, and Kiosk that harnesses the power of social media and other Web 2.0 philosophies to help people get engaged and help them collect and evaluate information about relevant issues (be they social, political etc.). Online identity, privacy, authority of online sources, and self-regulating community are all issues that will need to be addressed by the challenge. Pulling directly from the Problem Statement: “We devote so much design energy to creating an iPod, or a BMW, why not do the same for our democracy?” Look forward to more updates on the progress of the teams and check out their bios & information at .

Each of these winning agency teams of 2-3 people will go onto South by Southwest Interactive Conference in Austin, Texas, March 7 – 11. They will have approximately 90 days to complete their solutions to be showcased on Monday, March 10th in Austin.

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Keeping Up with the Web Marketing Association

If you are interested in keeping up to date with the Internet Advertising Competition and the WebAwards call for entry and winners announcement as well as receive our monthly newsletter Interactive Briefing, you need to be on our mailing list. Click here to subscribe.

If you are on our mailing list, but are not getting our emails, please white list our email address, or add it to your addressbook: and our mailing IP address

As per our privacy policy, we will never sell your name or use it except for its intended purpose.

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Landing Page Design: What’s Working

Recently the Web Marketing Association and MarketingShepa held a Teleconference on landing page design that was extremely well attended.

In the teleconference we:

• Discussed five types of Landing Page Tests that work best for increasing conversion rates
• Examined real creative samples and their results
• Covered examples of increased conversions for PPC dynamic search, registration forms, creative elements, SEO landings, and mobile email
• Revealed biggest tips on measuring landing pages

If you’re interested in giving your conversions up to a 48% lift, increasing your average shopping cart, and making your job easier with proven guidelines on what really works, you can download the slides here and then listen to the Landing page design seminar recording here.

Please note: This presentation was based on new data from the report, “MarketingSherpa Landing Page Handbook (2008 edition)“. If you are serious about creating better landing pages and improving conversions, then this report is a must read.

The Internet Advertising Competition Awards also has a category for microsites and landing pages. This is a great way to have other experts judge the effectiveness of your work and get recognized for your achievement.

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How do you avoid the meatball sundae?

How do you avoid the meatball sundae?
Wednesday, January 23 at 2:00PM EST

Speaker: Seth Godin, Entrepreneur, Agent of Change and Author of Meatball Sundae

In this brand new presentation, bestselling author Seth Godin outlines 14 trends that are changing businesses forever. He talks about how the new marketing landscape represents nothing short of an industrial revolution, and highlights the organizations and brands and products that are taking this new world by storm. By the end of an hour, Godin will have you looking at the world you live in very differently… the new rules create new winners (and losers) and there’s no time to waste.

Register here>>

Presented by Search Engine Strategies and ClickZ Network.

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Web Marketing Association and MarketingSherpa Host Landing Page Teleseminar

“Landing Page Design: What’s Working”
Tuesday, January 15
2:00 – 3:00 pm EST
Register now -it’s free – at WMA MarketingSherpa Teleconference Invite page

Learn proven ways that you can raise your landing page conversion rates. Based on information from the new MarketingSherpa Landing Page Handbook (2008 edition), this teleseminar will:

• Discuss five types of Landing Page Tests that work best for increasing conversion rates
• Examine real creative samples and their results
• Cover examples of increased conversions for PPC dynamic search, registration forms, creative elements, SEO landings, and mobile email
• Reveal biggest tips on measuring landing pages
• Justify budgeting for analytics and testing

If you’re interested in giving your conversions up to a 48% lift, increasing your average shopping cart, and making your job easier with proven guidelines on what really works, sign up for this free teleseminar at WMA MarketingSherpa Teleconference Invite page

You’ll receive a comprehensive set of speaker handouts/presentation slides and teleseminar access information by e-mail on the morning of the program. Gather around a speaker phone and train your staff!

Please join us on January 15th for this informative session!