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We still Need Your Help

We need your help in spreading the news about our WebAward call for entry to other Internet Professionals. The Web Marketing Association is a volunteer organization and our greatest marketing asset is you, our newsletter readers.

You can help by:

Emailing other professionals or site owners and ask them to participate in the WebAwards.

Blog about the WebAwards
. Either on your blog or industry blogs, write about our call for entry or your experiences with the WebAwards. You can point them to our blog posting for the Call for Entry.

Post our link on your Facebook Wall and/or LinkedIn profile. It let’s your friends and colleagues know you’re a leader in the online marketing community. When you see a post, let everyone one know you like it.

Tell others within your organization
. It is difficult to maintain contact with past participants via email. People change responsibilities, email addresses change and companies merge. Make sure the correct people within your organization, including offices in other cities know about the WebAwards. The more awards your organization wins, the more recognition you will receive.

There are only a few weeks left to enter, but with your help we can have the most successful WebAward competition ever!

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Our newest sponor, has created a special offer for Interactive Briefing readers. Next time you have a news release you want posted to the Internet, go to, create an account and upload your release. Use the coupon code “webaward2009” to receive a $20 discount off our $89 package.

A special thanks to 24-7 Press Release for doing a great job distributing the Web Marketing Association’s releases and for this special offer!

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Less than One Month Until WebAward Deadline

Winning accolades in the 2009 WebAwards – the Internet’s premier award recognition program, is a great way to stand out from others in your industry. But you can’t compete if you don’t enter!

The 13th Annual WebAward competition deadline for entry is May 29th, less than a month away. Entering is easy. Simply create a nominator account or log into an existing account from past years. Avoid a late fee by completing your Web sites entries before the deadline.

All participants will receive a updated copy of the Internet Standards Assessment Report personalized to include your website’s judges scores for each of the seven criteria of an effective Web site compared to your industry and the overall web development standard. No other award program give provides you this level of comprehensive feedback for your Web development efforts.

This year The Web Marketing Association is adding several industries to the competition based on participant feedback. They are Environmental, Gay/Lesbian, Mobile, Science and Social Networks. To make room for these new categories Auction, Brokerage, Computer Retailer, Institutional Services and ISP categories have been eliminated.

Please help us make the WebAwards a success and share this posting or email to the person responsible for marketing or website promotion in your organization and ask them to learn more about these awards. We are a volunteer driven organization and need your help at spreading the news about the WebAwards.

WebAward – The award that makes an award-winning Web site.

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William Rice quoted in B@B Magazine

William Rice, President of the Web Marketing Association, was recently quoted in the lead article for B@B Magazine’s Interactive Marketing Guide. The article Don’t neglect details, design: How Outdated, difficult-to-navigate Web sites without product info could be costing you by Chelsea Ely

This article discusses how sales people are not be replaced with digital assets, but rather are using them to reach out to their customers.

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Best Mobile Web Site To Be Named By WebAwards

The Web Marketing Association announces that mobile websites will be added to its 13th annual international WebAward competition as a separate category this year. The WebAwards is the standards-defining competition that sets industry benchmarks based on the seven criteria of a successful Web site. It recognizes the individual and team achievements of Web professionals who create and maintain outstanding Web sites. The deadline for entry in the 2009 WebAwards is May 29, 2008. Complete information and this year’s entry form can be found at

“An entire parallel Web universe exists just for phone and PDA users and that universe is expanding rapidly,” said William Rice, President of the Web Marketing Association. “We wanted to recognize that mobile websites have come of age and need to be evaluated not against other sites in their industry, but against other mobile sites. Mobile sites have always been welcomed in the WebAwards, but now they can be adjudicated more effectively.”
Some 40% of Web site operators have launched mobile sites and another 22% plan to do so in the next year, according to a new JupiterResearch study. Driving the growth of mobile sites are factors such as the expansion of 3G networks and smartphones and improving prospects for deriving revenue from mobile advertising. Jupiter estimates that increasing page views and usage will push annual mobile display and search advertising revenue to $825 million by 2012.

Web sites are judged on seven criteria, including design, innovation, content, technology, interactivity, copy writing and ease of use and receive a numeric score. The Web Marketing Association is building an addition to their robust judging system that will allow these sites to be reviewed by a specific set of WebAward judges enabled for the mobile Web. Winners will be announced in September, 2009.

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Marketing Conference Pass Give-a-way

The Web Marketing Association will be holding drawings for 5 different marketing conferences this month. You will receive a full conference pass – worth up to $2,000 each – for one of these leading online marketing conferences. All you need to do get there. Don’t Wait, we will start picking names this weekend.

To enter, please go to our WMA Conference Drawing sign-up page at and select the conferences you would like to attend.

ad:tech San Francisco, April 21-23

Voices That Matter: Web Design Conference, San Francisco, April 27-30

Social Media Summit, Toronto, April 27-30, 2009

Digital Publishing and Advertising Conference, NYC, May 12, 2009

PPC Summit New York, May 13-14

Remember to tell your friends, they can enter to win a pass too!