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Results of the WebAward Judging Now Available to Nominators

The Web Marketing Association’s 2009 WebAwards results will be available online next week, however participants can log into their nominator accounts beginning today and see the results.

If you have won a WebAward this year, you may edit your entry information prior to public release of the results. Please review your entry information so that your award and online listing are correct.

You can sign in to your nominator account here.

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WebAward Program Deadline Extended until June 12th

The Web Marketing Association has extended the deadline for entering its 13th annual WebAward Competition until June 12th to allow final entries to be submitted and existing entries to be edited if needed. The WebAwards are the Internet’s premier award competition that judges website development against an ever increasing Internet standard of excellence and against peer sites within an industry.

If you have already entered, you have an additional two weeks to review and finalize your entries. All editing must be complete before the entries are sent to the judges.

The 13th Annual WebAward competition final deadline for entry is now June 12th and you can submit your site for review at

All participants will receive a updated copy of the Internet Standards Assessment Report personalized to include your website’s judges scores for each of the seven criteria of an effective Web site compared to your industry and the overall web development standard. No other award program give provides you this level of comprehensive feedback for your Web development efforts.

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WebAwards deadline only days away!

If you are like most Internet professionals, you have already entered the 2009 WebAward competition for website development. If you have not done so yet, what are you waiting for? There is less than one week – 5 days – less than 120 hours – to earn the recognition that will get you noticed.

You don’t want your CEO coming to you in September and asking why your competitor won a WebAward and have to tell him or her that missed the deadline! With 96 industries participating, of course there is a category for you.

Don’t wait any longer – enter the 2009 WebAwards today before it is too late!

Go to and enter right now.

If you have already submitted your site, please make sure the entry is complete, the URL is active and any entries fees due have been paid before the deadline so the enry can be submitted to the judges.

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2009 MarketingSherpa Social Media Marketing and PR: Benchmarks & Best Practices Guide

Social media marketing and public relations is emerging as a practice at a critical time. The economic recession has marketers exploring new tactics to generate revenue with minimal investment.

But what do you really know about social media marketing and PR? Do you know its ROI? Do you know what works? Can you even define it?

Now you can! MarketingSherpa has pulled together the latest research and best practices into a 225-page study that is our first on social media marketing and PR. The benchmarks in this guide are based on the knowledge of hundreds of marketing and PR practitioners who shared their experience.

We’ve read the guide and think it is something every marketer should consider reading. To order, visit the Sherpa Store.

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All About eCommerce Virtual Conference and Expo

What: All About eCommerce Virtual Conference & Expo
When: June 4, 2009
Time: 10am – 5pm (ET)
Where: Your Computer! (It’s a virtual event)

Emarketing & Commerce (eM+C) magazine’s All About eCommerce Virtual Conference & Expo presents this unique event right to your computer. Expect great virtual presentations from 12 e-commerce industry leaders. They’ll discuss strategies, tips and viewpoints on how to best create, implement and deliver e-commerce campaigns for marketing, customer service and other purposes.

Attendees can: Submit questions during live Q&A sessions with industry experts, Chat with fellow marketers in the Networking Lounge, Collect information from exhibiting e-commerce marketing solutions providers. All About eCommerce, is your eChecklist for Online Success.

From a special arrangement available through Web Marketing Association, you can register for the All About eCommerce Virtual Conference and Expo at no cost:

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Trade Show Drawings

In the last issue of Interactive Briefing, The Web Marketing Association’s newsletter, we made available a number of leading conferences in a drawing we held. By all accounts each of the conferences were extremely interesting and great networking opportunities. Here are the winners who received full conference passes.

ad:tech San Francisco – Carly Helgeson, Project Manager, The Clorox Company
Voices That Matter: Web Design Conference – Adam Kleinberg, CEO, Traction
DPAC III – Levi McConnell, Director of Interactive, PACE Advertising/WPP
Social Media Summit – Laura Buchanan, Organic Inc.

Look for more opportunities to attend top industry conferences by reading Interactive Briefing!

Click here to subscribe to the monthly Interactive Briefing Newsletter.

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Only two weeks left to enter 2009 WebAwards

Time is running out to enter the Web Marketing Association’s 2009 WebAward competition for Website development. The deadline is May 29th and the order form and complete information can be found at

If you have not yet entered, this is your chance to be recognized as having the bet Website in your industry. And with 96 industries you choose from, you’re sure to find the right one to meet your needs.

Imagine the look on your bosses and your clients face when you tell them your online work has earned the company a prestigious WebAward! Think of the marketing opportunities you could create – but you need to enter to win!

A Website says “you’re here”.
An award winning Website says “You’ve arrived”

With only two weeks left, now is the time to go to the online entry form and get the recognition you deserve.

Enter today!

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Get WebAward insider tips on Webmaster Radio

WebmasterRadio.FM, the premier free, 24/7 Internet business radio network focused on the B2B marketplace is pleased to present a half hour interview with the president of the Web Marketing Association, Bill Rice and two judges of the annual WebAward, David Clarke and Steve Plunkett The interview provides the inside scoop on the 2009 WebAwards, its judges and scoring system with three experienced participants in the annual award competition, Bill Rice, David Clarke and Steve Plunkett. During the interview, Rice, Clarke and Plunkett outline what judges are looking for, how scoring of competing sites takes place and the benefits of participation for both competitors and judges.

The show will initially air on on Wednesday May 13th at 5:00 pm EST and then be available online in the Specials channel.