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Five Tips for Winning a WebAward

The Web Marketing Association is offer tips to improve your chances at winning a 2010 WebAward on the WMA Facebook Fan Page every weekday for until the May 25th entry deadline.

Here are the first 5 Tips:

WebAward Tip #1 – Pay Attention to the Audience and Mission Statement The judges use the audience and mission statement to get a sense of what you are trying to accomplish. It puts things into perspective for them. If you are too vague or worst too long winded, the judges will go on what that think the goal of the site should be and it may not be what you expect.

WebAward Tip #2 – Enter Early If You Pay By Check: Entries cannot be sent to the judges until the entry fee is paid. Some nominators wait until the final deadline to submit their site and then have to submit a check request! If your company requires you to pay by check, use May 1st as your deadline and get the site su…bmitted and the check request processed to give your entry viewed by the judges in the first round.

WebAward Tip #3 – Don’t Have A Single Landing Page for All Entries. Some agencies like to have a single landing page for all entries submitted to an awards show. This might make things easy for them, but it can be a nightmare for the judges. Creating a landing page is acceptable as long as it is only for the entry under consideration.

WebAward Tip #4 – Don’t Include Instructions In The URL Field. When we ask for a URL, we want only a URL. Typing “ (go to the bottom of the page first)”, will result in the judges getting an error message. If you have something you want the judges to know, add a “NOTE TO JUDGES” at the beginning of your audience and mission statement.

WebAward Tip #5 – Check your URL and Passwords. Every year sites are disqualified because the nominator had a typo in the URL or the server moved or the username expired. Don’t let this happen to you! If the URL changes, email us and we will update it. Make sure the user name and password (if necessary) are valid until… August 15th to be sure the judges can access the site.

For more information on the 14th annual WebAward Competition for Website development, please go to