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Top Reasons to Enter the 2022 WebAward Competition for Website Development

The Web Marketing Association’s WebAwards are the standards-defining competition that sets industry benchmarks based on the seven criteria of a successful Web site.  This esteemed award program recognizes the individual and team achievements of Web professionals in 90 industries all over the world who create and maintain outstanding Web sites.

The 26th annual WebAward competition is accepting entries until May 31st. Here are a few of the top reasons why you should enter.

Earn the recognition and esteem you deserve.

Winning a WebAward means you have created an outstanding website worthy of international recognition. Let your clients, colleagues, competitors, the news media and your parents know that you are an award-winning professional and industry leader. Nothing says “we’re the best” like an independent third-party endorsement.

Because hard work is rarely its own reward.

Winning a WebAward give you a marketing advantage over other competitors. In today’s competitive business environment, you needs every advantage you can get over others fighting for that same piece of new business.  Picture you and your team holding your WebAward in a photo that can be shared on social media, in newsletters and in a press release. WebAwards also can be displayed to be a lasting reminder of your success.

Make the bean counters happy
Budgets are always under pressure. What better way to show senior management and the finance department that they should be increasing your budget, not cutting it back. Participants receive scores in seven critical areas which can be benchmarked year over year. That’s something no other award program we know of offers.

Highlight your specific industry expertise

A key way to build brand equity and increase revenues is developing a specific industry expertise. Most clients want to know you understand their specific industry. The WebAwards has 98 different industry categories that allow you to choose your niche and demonstrate your expertise in that field.

Have your site evaluated by professionals.

Each website entered will be thoroughly evaluated by multiple judges, all of whom are experienced experts and industry leaders in the web development field.  Our judges, most have which have participated in the WebAwards for years, review sites based on your target audience using a highly tested set of quantitative judging criteria. Each entry is submitted to multiple judges and the scores averaged in order to select the winners. Whether or not you win an award, you may receive constructive criticism on your site which can help in future development efforts.

The company you keep

When you win, not only do you receive a handsome trophy to display to the world, but your company and your winning site will be linked to our site and thousands of other high profile sites within your industry. Talk about being in a good neighborhood, from an SEO perspective, there is none better.

To learn more and enter your best work, go to and enter before it is too late.