The Web Marketing Association is proud to present this 2012 Internet Advertising Competition Award for
Outstanding Achievement in Internet Advertising.



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Best Environmental Social Media Campaign, Best Non-profit Social Media Campaign

The Israel Anti-Drug Authority is facing a serious crisis.
1 in every 20 young adults succumbs to drug abuse and is considered an addict.

Our challenge was to prevent the use of drugs such as Crystal Meth, Heroin and Ketamine among individuals in our target
audience between the ages of 18 and 24.

We were contemplating how to reach this young audience in its own territory,
when the opportunity presented itself– Facebook introduced Timeline, a new way of telling your life story in chronological order, a true autobiography.

Meet Adam Barak.
We opened a new Timeline and divided it into 2 sections.
Using the split-screen layout,
Adam shows a year in his life with and without drugs,
demonstrating to our audience what their timelines are liable to look like if they abuse drugs.

Once we started interacting and answering people's questions, Facebook pulled the plug and decided it was time to shut our Timeline down.


VP Creative: Nir Refuah
Creative Director: Ami Alush
Art Director: Nir Hersztadt
Copywriter: Daniel Barak
Account Manager: Shibolet Alkobi
Account Supervisor: Keren Ashkenazi
Producer: Inbal Fanan


Location: israel