Goodyear Assurance ComforTred Touring Mobile Tag: 1. Target Audience - In-Market Tire Shopper who is 35+ years old; Higher household income; men/women consumers even split; some kids in the household; brand names are important to them; and they're interested in learning about a tire's technologies/features but they don't necessarily know a lot or care about tires. 2. Communication Objective - Drive awareness and purchase intent for the new Goodyear Assurance ComforTred Touring. 3. Communication Strategy: Leverage Goodyear's partnership with Microsoft to develop a QR code (or Tag), and accompanying mobile landing page, that features video highlighting the product's key features, benefits and technologies. 4. Project Overview: Project included the following elements: a. In-Store point of sale (POS) materials with QR code (or Tag) included with a call-to-action to consumers to scan/download the Tag app to be directed to the mobile landing page. Developed for use across all platforms b. Mobile landing page with new product video of the Assurance ComforTred Touring c. Training/instruction pieces to dealers educating them about the QR code, how it works, how the POS should be displayed in-store, etc.
Interactive Art Director: | Jeff Crowe |
Writer: | Greg Piffner |
Associate Creative Director: | Milissa Shrake |
Web Developer: | Chris Stahl |
Project Manager: | Shelly Morton |
Director/Interactive: | Larry Yoder |
Executive Creative Director: | Nick Betro |
Account Manager: | Jaime Brannan |
Location: USA