The Web Marketing Association is proud to present this 2024 Internet Advertising Competition Award for
Outstanding Achievement in Internet Advertising.



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Best Biotechnology Social Media Campaign, Best Technology Social Media Campaign

Why give away your poop? GoodNature’s Stool Donation Program is aimed at advancing microbiome-related medical treatments and therapies through the study of stool bacteria extracted from eligible, healthy donors.

GoodNature has been partnering with Supreme Optimization to utilize Facebook’s hyper-localized targeting capabilities to reach more eligible stool donors within a certain radius of GoodNature’s donation centers. The ultimate goal is for eligible donors to submit a complex registration form and/or book an in-person follow-up appointment through Calendly—via the “Learn More” CTA.

We chose to use carousel ads to enhance the storytelling and effectively guide users through the decision-making process: ‘get paid to poop,’ ‘contribute to science,’ ‘potentially help patients,’ ‘join the bowel movement,’ and ‘see if you qualify!’ By opening up the carousel ad with a universally recognized bathroom item–toilet paper–we’ve established clear messaging related to bowel movements right off the bat. After rigorous optimization, the “Join the Bowel Movement” campaign drove 179K impressions and a 2.46% CTR in January 2024, with a conversion rate of 8.1% and 12.37% in two separate location targets. And yes, we’re striving to be number one in the number two business.




Location: United States

About the Agency:

Supreme helps life science, pharma, and healthcare companies grow their business online with smarter and more effective digital marketing strategies. When we work with you, we're committing to making a difference for you and your organization. Our in-house team of 100+ members and 40+ Ph.D.-level scientific marketing strategists have successfully launched hundreds of life science campaigns and websites. So you can be confident they’ll bring best-in-class digital marketing experience to your project.