There are some major misconceptions around casinos that many travelers incorrectly believe: 1) For a premium gaming experience, you have to fly to Nevada, and 2) The only thing to do at a casino is gamble. However, Wind Creek Bethlehem sought to change the narrative. They wanted to show that a luxury casino is not only closer than you might think depending on your geography – it’s also a one-stop-shop for food, shopping, fine dining, relaxation, and more. To activate this campaign, we utilized a Foundation Carousel Blueprint. This empowered Wind Creek Bethlehem to create a brand-curated linear story that toured users through all the different aspects of the Wind Creek experience. Users resonated with our strategy: we saw lifts of +11 points in Awareness, +8 points in Familiarity, +8 points in Consideration, +8 points in Preference, and +3 points in Intent. This full-funnel driver leveraged the attention of our users and told the Wind Creek Bethlehem story in fantastic fashion. In other words: jackpot.
Location: United States