The Web Marketing Association is proud to present this 2023 Internet Advertising Competition Award for
Outstanding Achievement in Internet Advertising.



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Best B2b Website

On the verge of launching a digital marketing campaign as a means to drive awareness and generate more leads for sales, Savista sought to improve their website to capture the most value from their digital marketing spend. The goals of the website were clear: tell Savista’s story, create a user experience that drove action, and improve the visual appeal of their website to be more modern and clean.


Account Supervisor, Oodle: Tom Rupp
VP of Creative and Marketing, Oodle: Josh Thompson
Creative Director, Oodle: Matt Martin
Senior Designer, Oodle: Alexis Hippler
Content Architect, Oodle: Lauren Hughes
Director of Technology, Oodle: Jake Weaver
Principal Developer, Oodle: Terry Wooten


Location: United States