Detroit-based pop brand Faygo has a hardcore base of fans, each of which has his or her own favorite flavor out of the over 50 flavors the brand carries. In fact, you can’t have a conversation about the brand without hearing something like, “I’m an Arctic Sun, all the way,” or “I’m definitely a Redpop girl.”
To capitalize on this insight, TMV created the “What Flavor Ya Got?” campaign — a call to identify yourself with your favorite flavor and share with the world.
OLV for the campaign (there were 12 in total) featured people around the country proclaiming their love for their favorite flavor, then trying new flavors to see if they’d make a switch or stay true to their original Faygo love. Sticker-like animations and quirky sound effects pumped up the fun factor. And a final call to action drove viewers to find their flavor at the campaign website,