The Web Marketing Association is proud to present this 2015 Internet Advertising Competition Award for
Outstanding Achievement in Internet Advertising.



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Best Computer: Software Online Ad, Best Technology Online Ad

The target audience for this campaign was existing MATLAB users, mainly electrical and mechanical engineers.

The objective of this ad was Inform them of the new R2014b update and to encourage them to download it. Therefore, a key challenge here, was that we not only had to encourage action, we had to also use the ad to identify and connect with existing users, as in order to capitalize on the offer, you had to already be an existing MATLAB user.

In developing this concept, we opted to tease the user, by informing them of the update, but by not providing detailed specifics, we sought incite curiosity and therefore, get them to click. Additionally, we also sought to engage them, by hinting that without downloading the release, they would not be using the latest version of MATLAB, which is very critical tool and application in the engineering world.


Director, Client Services: Ty Velde
Copywriter: Greg Smucker
Designer: John Cuddemi


Location: USA