The Web Marketing Association is proud to present this 2009 Internet Advertising Competition Award for
Outstanding Achievement in Internet Advertising.



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Best Interactive Services Websites

Sapient’s mission was to create a microsite for KeyBank that housed TV spots created by its brand agency, CK. Sapient created a microsite which addressed real customer money concerns specific to the target audience - mass affluent and ethnically diverse 35-49 year olds who are middle class, but not rich through a series of games, interactive calculators, real animated stories and TV spots. We categorized these concerns into five categories: Home Buying, Investing, Budgeting, Business and Borrowing. KeyBank could help them solve their money concern with genuine attention. The site contains more than 1000 tracking pixels that help deliver real-time statistics that allowing to fully understand how consumers are using the site and providing data for future expansion of the site. Each category was visually represented as a building in a neighborhood. In each category (or building), users could watch a TV commercial as well as play games, use interactive calculators and read animated stories specific to that money concern. If users wanted to learn more about how to deal with their money concerns, links were provided to relevant information on We broke banking website conventions with our rich interactive tools. Our interactive calculators, which respond in real-time according to the user’s inputs, are a prime example. A far cry from the lengthy and often hard to read articles found on other financial sites. brought KeyBank’s brand as a reliable, down to earth neighborhood bank to life.


Creative Director: Chiny Chewning
Associate Creative Director: Carol Montoto
Copywriter: Alice Shin
Designer: Jill Schoen
Designer: Agi Brown
Sr Art Director: Cesar Santos
Art Director : Damion Parsons
Senior Interactive Developer : JP Vasquez
Account Director: Diego Naranjo


Location: USA