The Web Marketing Association is proud to present this 2009 Internet Advertising Competition Award for
Outstanding Achievement in Internet Advertising.



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Best Online Community Interactive Application

Whirlpool is an integral partner to Habitat for Humanity.
For the third year, Whirlpool administered the Building Blocks program, its proprietary Habitat event.

For the 2008 build, there was no advertising budget. The challenge was to develop a program to reach a mass audience through grassroots and viral efforts, using Whirlpool's existing assets and new mediums with zero incremental dollars.

Our strategy was to drive awareness and engagement with the Building Blocks program through various applications of social networking. We wanted to apply innovative, industry-first technology to bring people together.

We wanted to expand the relevancy of Building Blocks beyond the participants, as well as inspire people to get involved with the cause.

We partnered with Yahoo on a Beta Broadcast test. The entire week long build was broadcasted at, allowing people everywhere to experience the build in real time. Users could also chat with the build-coordinator as well as volunteers about the event as it was taking place.


William Rosen: Chief Creative Officer
Dan Fisher: Creative Director
Scott Brown: Associate Creative Director
Erica Rabenda: Copy Writer
Damian Van Horn: Flash Developer
Karen Tentner: Project Manager
Jennifer Roover: Account Supervisor


Location: usa